
Kerrie, 02/25/08: Mwahaha, I have resurrected SNAA! I am trying to at least get a base up for us to work with, then we can work on getting some new content. Lemme know if anyone has any ideas! <3

Bea, 06/17/04: Whee, nobody has updated in half a yeeeaaar! ^_^;; Added some stuff to the quotes page. go look. ;p

Kerrie, 01/19/04: Lookit me! I'm updating again. Like I said I really hated that layout, so I decided I'd try to use this premade one. It's purdy. And easy. And helps me avoid my pre calc.... all the links SHOULD work (after hours of work -_-) But a few things may still be out-of-alignment... sorry! Maybe someone ELSE will help me update, hmm? Yeah, I'm not holding my breath ;)

Kerrie, 01/18/04: Wow, this site is ignored ^_^* I updated the counter and stuck some more quizzes on the quiz page... I'm not really happy with the layout of the site so I may try to redo it soon... :P